Jeudi le 14 janvier Pascale discutait du nouveau project à Old Crow avec Marie Villeneuve, à l’émission Phare Ouest de radio Canada.
Ce projet vise à élucider les liens entre la dégradation du pergélisol et l’arbustification, pour mieux comprendre ses potentiels impacts sur la qualité de l’eau et aider la communauté à se préparer aux futurs changements qui affecteront son territoire.
The permafrost exhibit “Under the Arctic” developed by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry is now at Dynamic Earth, in Sudbury, and it is awesome. At the The LU Permafrost Research Laboratory , we had a chance to work with the Science North/Dynamic Earth team to make a new video for the exhibit, that highlights some local research focused on Canadian permafrost!
Virtual tour photo by OMSI
Virtual tour photo by OMSI
Virtual tour photo by OMSI
Rob Gagné and Dustin Liikane, from Science North and Dynamic Earth, came to the Living with Lakes Research Centre to film Adam, Chantae, and Pascale processing samples and talking about permafrost research (see photos below). Rob produced an awesome video by combining this footage with photos of permafrost research, and footage provided by Sam Hunter and by the Pascale’s research partners from the ArcticNet project ‘Humans in a thawing landscape’.
Be sure to go to the exhibit and check out this new video on permafrost research starring some local permafrost talent!
The Canadian component of the exhibit includes a large map of permafrost distribution in Canada, and photos of permafrost features found accross the country (thank you to A Lewkowicz, A Kirkwood, S Kokelj, N Mykytczuk, T Pretzlaw, N Basiliko, and A Boisson for providing photos from across the country!).
Talking permafrost distribution with the Dynamic Earth Bluecoats
Just before the opening, Pascale joined Dustin and Jennifer to help train the interpretive staff (the ‘Bluecoats‘) who will be working with the public in the permafrost exhibit.
A quick tour of Canadian permafrost landscapes
School kids look at drilling equipment
How do we study permafost if it is hidden beneath the surface?
On the day of the opening, was there to make a video and article on the event, which included a press release and a presentation by Pascale, Adam, and Cassandra to a group of about 90 students (grades 4 to 6).
Pascale spoke briefly at the press conference
Showing core samples with segregated ice
An interview in front of the replica permafrost tunnel
We had a great time working with Dynamic Earth/Science North, and are happy to have contributed to this awesome permafrost exhibit in Sudbury!